Dark spots on
your face is a common problem now-a-days. Dark spots on your face can be due to
acne scarring, sunburns, age spots, etc. If you have them, Don’t worry we will
give you useful tips using Natural remedies to reduce dark spots on your face.
Citrus fruits
(Lemon category), papaya, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables contain
lightening properties. Many people prefer using natural methods because they
tend to be gentler on your skin and less expensive than other treatments.
Natural remedies
Citrus fruits contain abundant amounts of Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps marsh off the top layer of skin without causing damage. Here are some tips to use it.
- Squeeze some juice – Mostly lemon juice has been used for the years to lighten their skin, but you can use oranges, grapes also if you prefer. Slice the fruit into half and squeeze the juice into a cup or bowl. Using a smooth cotton ball, wipe it onto your dark spots. Leave it on for atleast 20 min, then rinse off. Repeat the same once or twice a day.
- Lemon and honey face mask - Combine the juice of half a lemon with 2 tsp of honey. Mix well, and apply to your face. Leave it on for minimum 30 minutes, then rinse well.
- Citrus and powdered milk scrub - Add 1 tsp each of water to the milk powder (you can add to milk also) and the juice of your favorite citrus fruit. Mix into a soft paste and massage into your skin. Rinse well.

From Nuts. Nuts are rich in Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E helps to repair damaged cells and strengthen new ones.
Application - Massage pure Vitamin E
oil directly onto your dark spots. With daily application, your spots will
Dietary sources - Add the nuts
(almonds, peanuts, pine nuts), sunflower seeds, wheat germ oil, and dried
apricots to your regular diet to get even more Vitamin E power:.
Papaya. Papaya fruit contains the papain enzyme. Papain helps exfoliate the skin, making way for new skin cells to emerge.
Papaya contains Vitamin C and E, so it's a good dark spot fading helper. Papain is most concentrated while the papaya is still green, but you can use riper fruit. Peel and remove the seeds from a papaya, and any of the following.
- Whole fruit - Slice a piece off of the papaya, and hold it on your dark spots. Hold it there for 25-30 minutes. Repeat the same atleast twice a day for best results.
- Papaya facial mask - Cut the papaya into small chunks. Use a blender make it into a smooth paste. Apply the mask to your face and neck. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then rinse well.
Aloe vera. The aloe vera plant has many health benefits.
It's an excellent moisturizer, and is effective
for healing sunburns. It helps to fade dark spots. If you have an aloe plant at
home, break off a small piece, squeeze the pulp into your hand and apply it
directly to your dark spots. You can also find aloe gel in grocery or ayurveda stores.
However, pure aloe vera works best.
More Tips
- Dark spots can often be very obstinate, and can take much time to fade. Be persistent and consistent with the treatment method you choose. Be patient.
- Drink plenty of water to give your dark spot treatment a little extra boost.
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