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Friday, July 5, 2013

How to fight ageing?

By on 10:12 AM

You can fight with ageing problem in a most efficient manner at your home. Everyone loves to hear, “you are looking younger”. Even if you crossed 3 tens of your age,  you can still look younger if you follow these simple tips regularly.. Try the simple steps to get young looking face.

  1. A walking for 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week mostly in day time.

  2. Balance your glucose levels by just taking a walk during your work.

  3. Give some leisure occasionally and do some physical exercise like shaking hands, legs, arms etc.

  4. Take plenty of water (better to have a water bottle always on your table).

  5. Have some nap for 15-20 minutes after lunch.

  6. Mostly be relaxed all the time.

That's all

About Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar is a 30 year old guy who is serving the Nation (India) as a Scientist. He love to Blog day in and day out. Although He is a scientist by profession, his passion towards blogging made him a Blogger.


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