50 ways to burn your calories from simple and balanced diet. Here are some of the useful tips that can be followed very easily.
In Restaurants
At your Home
- Do exercise before you eat, this will make you hungrier. Exercise AFTER eating when the body has to work harder to digest food.
- Don’t eat while watching television. You can become so engrossed in your program, that don’t even realize how much you are eating.
- Don’t skip breakfast. Eat in the morning when the body burns more calories.
- Avoid trans fatty acids as much as possible. Use olive or canola oil when cooking. Avoid products that list partially hydrogenated oils, since these are trans fatty acids.
- Take only skimmed milk.
- Limit yourself to just four egg yolks a week.
- Trim all fat from meats before cooking. You’ll be amazed at how much you reduce your fat intake if you take this one small step.
- Eliminate fried foods.
- Use tomato-based sauces instead of cream.
- Use lemon juice or low sodium soy sauce for flavour.
- Don’t skip meals. When you do, you eat more at your next meal and usually eat the wrong foods.
- Always read labels for processed food– check fat, sugar and salt content.
- Eat more vegetables. Try mixing and matching fresh vegetables for variety.
- Steam your veggies instead of boiling them. They’ll taste better and you’ll retain more of their nutritional value.
- Never eat while you are standing.
- Don’t sample when you are cooking.
- Don’t give up potatoes. A baked potato has 0 grams of fat and only 160 calories. Just don’t eat fries that weigh in at 13 fat grams and 480 calories!
- Stay away from pastries. They are loaded with fat and sugar.
- Eat more salads but don’t let salad become boring. Add different ingredients.
- Limit your intake of meat to just two or three meat choices per week and select more “white” meats than red.
- You don’t want to give up dessert, just rearrange it. Try mixing fresh fruits with low fat yogurt. Strawberries with banana yogurt are delicious and healthier!
- Replace white bread with whole grain bread.
- When baking, applesauce makes a great substitute for shortening.
- Prepare foods in different ways. Instead of traditional frying, try stir-fry and use a low fat spray or non-stick pan.
- Keep a food diary of everything you eat. This is the first step to acquiring a new, healthier life style.
- Wait no more than five hours between meals or snacks. This will help to stabilize your metabolism.
- Specific food combinations can help to burn calories by enhancing your metabolism. Eat carbohydrates that are rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetables. They take longer to digest and you will feel “fuller” for longer periods of time.
- Use fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables.
- Eat more yogurt. Yogurt is a protein as well as a carbohydrate therefore giving you the small amount of energy needed to burn the protein.
- Add more tuna to your diet. You can grill it, broil it, steam it and poach it, all without any added fat. Just be aware that tuna may contain trace amounts of mercury, so limit the amount you eat each week, especially if you are pregnant.
- Try different varieties of beans, they are a fantastic great source of energy, protein, minerals, and fiber.
- Make your own potato chips. It’s simple.
- Switch from cream of wheat cereal to oatmeal. The whole grain in oatmeal is much better for you.
- Eat fish at least twice a week. The omega 3 fatty acids in fish have been shown to reduce heart attack and stroke risk in addition to helping you maintain a nutritional diet.

In Groceries
- Shop for groceries once a week and only buy from your prepared list.
- Avoid shopping when you are hungry – eat first and then start
- Head directly to the fruit and vegetable aisles when you enter the grocery store.
- If you have a local “farmers market” take from there.They’ll be fresher, healthier, and tastier.
- Vary your foods – introduce something new each week. Try new healthy recipes each week.
- Stay away from processed foods as much as possible.
In Restaurants
- If you plan on eating out at a buffet, eat something before you go. Grab a table as far from the buffet as possible. Go through the buffet line one time only. Load up at the salad bar. Select soups that you can see through. If you can see through them, they are broths with less fat and calories. Eat slowly. Savor each bite. Take your time and enjoy eating. If you eat too fast, your stomach will be full long before the message to stop chowing down reaches your brain
- Ask yourself if you really tasted and enjoyed that last bite of food. If your answer is no, it’s time to slow down.
- To help downsize your portions, use a smaller plate. Instead of a dinner plate, use a salad plate for your entire meal. If you frequent a specific restaurant, ask to take a menu home so you can study what they offer and learn how to plan your meals out.
- Put your waiter through his or her paces. Ask lots of questions and don’t stop until you are satisfied.
- Split a meal with a friend. Order soup or salad a’ la carte with one entrĂ©e and ask the waiter for an extra plate. It will save you money AND reduce the fat in each meal.
- Eliminate tartar sauce. If you order a fish fillet sandwich ask that the tartar sauce be left off the bun.
- Use evaporated skim milk for sauces and soups. It has the texture and the flavour of cream but without the fat. Each cup contains 80 grams less of fat and 600 few calories than heavy cream.
- Plain non-fat or low fat yogurt is a great replacement for sour cream. Use it to make salad dressings. It’s also good as an add-on to breakfast cereals and desserts.
- Yogurt can help you lose weight while protecting muscle. A recent study of overweight people who at three servings of yogurt daily for 12 weeks lost 22% more weight, 61% more body fat and 81%more abdominal fat than people who ate a similar number of calories but no dairy products.
- A veggie sandwich may not always be the ideal choice.
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